Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Phyton Pilsner

Nøgne Ø Imperial Phyton Pilsner was a new beer in 2012 for Nøgne Ø and a beer I should have posted a review about months ago. Another great label and the idea of a pumped up pilsner can only be good, lets hope this beer has plenty of venom to offer.

Golden to straw yellow in colour with a medium sized white head. Carbonation was high on this beer and it must be the high abv and use of champagne yeast that causes this. Very yeasty aroma, definitely some winey tones from the yeast also which was very strong. Spicy Belgium aroma, getting some cloves and tartness, not sure if I like or dislike this aroma as it so different, reminds me a little of Evil Twin Disco beer that also has champagne yeast.

Moving on to the body, slightly boozy and remember it is a 9.5% beer so this is ok. Sweet flavour, lots of fruits like red apple, pineapple and some caramel.The yeast here is also present in the flavour and if their existed and Imperial Belgian Wit then this beer would be close to it with it's flavour profile, some citrus and orange. I really liked this beer and after having it a few times now and being aware of it's strong pungent flavours it kind of puts me off drinking a full bottle.


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