Nøgne Ø Pils was the first beer I tasted on draft at Patricks pub in Kristiansand, a Czech pilsner of 5.1% and unfiltered as with all beers from Nøgne Ø. I expected this to be a touch better than the average pilsner one gets and this beer had both a nice aroma and taste. A well brewed pilsner with an aroma of floral hops, citrus, grass, pilsner malt and some biscuit notes.
Flavour had a mild bitterness with more malt and grainy to it. A beer I would love to be able to get hold of when out on the town and knowing that once can drink a few of these and still enjoy the taste experience. Definitely one of the better pilsners I have had and a nice addition to the Nøgne Ø stables as a draft beer for the pubs.
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