Sunday, November 10, 2013


Nøgne Ø Prototype is a collaboration brew between the famous Norwegian brewery "Nøgne Ø" and the French craft brewery "Pays Flamand". The result is a black IPA infused with juniper berries.

Medium brown in colour with a large off-white head and lots of carbonation. Initial aroma was fruity and yeasty, raisins, bready and some nuts. There is some strange earthiness to this beer with slight sweetness of toffee and caramel also, all in all quite a complex aroma that was difficult to pin down.

Hops bitterness comes through in the flavour, herbal with dark chocolate and more breadiness again that I don't seem to like. The taste has a strange bitterness to it that might be coming from the juniper berries and this combined with the wet herbalness is not making this beer a favourite of mine. This beer is classified as a porter but in my opinion it is too hoppy and herbal to be in this style, can't like them all as this is one Nøgne Ø that I won't be looking for but always nice to try.


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