Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Nøgne Ø Saison, Immediately from the pour, it is apparent that Nøgne Ø Saison is made with wheat. Nøgne Ø Saison is a bottle conditioned saison that pours a cloudy golden, with a lot of sediment at the bottom and is definitely reminiscent of a Saison – aka Belgian yeast + farm "funk" smells. Not a huge drinker of Saison beers, this one had a light body, but full of flavour with hints of lemon zest, earth, hay, and bready malt. Had a wet, musty lingering to it. 

I got a lot of apples and grassy tones in this beer along with some pepper and thought it was quite hoppy for a saison. The finishes had a crisp bitterness that makes you want to experience it all again. It also has enough warmth at 6.5% and I could see this beer working a lot more during a warm Summers day, and ok beer from Nøgne Ø but noting that blew me away like many other beers they brew.



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