Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sweet Horizon

Nøgne Ø Sweet Horizon was originally, back in 2008, it was brewed as Dark Horizon 3rd Edition but the fermentation didn't play along so the brew stopped short of its target of 16-17% abv. After two years of ageing it was finally released to the public in mid-2010.

Aroma is very sweet, coffee, some chocolate powder (milk chocolate) and some licorice very sweet licorice. Taste is very very sweet, lots of chocolate, coffee and syrup, a real sipping beer. Alcohol was present in the taste but not overpowering as this beer had so much sugar in it that it was easily disguised. The sweetness was largely over powering in the beginning but the coffee took over in the end and gave it a slight bitter finish, burnt syrup tones in the middle.

Not the first to say this and did it while trying Sweet Horizon for the second time, that it tasted like a cold cup of coffee with about 10 lumps of sugar dissolved in it. I still liked this beer and am happy to have tried it twice now and on both occasions shared this with many friends. Can see this as a contender drink to people who might have the custom of drinking port at Christmas and instead decide to sip on a glass of Sweet Horizon instead.


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