Sunday, November 24, 2013

India Pale Ale

Nøgne Ø India Pale Ale, been a while since I had the Nøgne Ø India Pale Ale and I was as happy with it now as I was the last time, super aroma and a great full bodied IPA with a nice malty caramel back bone to it. Quite an explosive head on this beer with a large off-white head to this golden orange beer. Like most Nøgne Ø beers, they can be quite hazy as they are not filtered and usually contain quite a lot of yeast still in the bottle. Right from the beginning the aroma is full of citrusy and tropical fruits, oranges, passion fruit and some grape which is very intense and what I like in an IPA. Piney hops and pine sap in the aroma which is very hoppy both on the fruity and flowery side.

The bitterness is huge in this beer but not over the top thanks to the good malty body to this beer and helps to make it a really big full-bodied juicy IPA. Cascade hops is very overpowering which gives the beer it’s long after-taste of grapefruit and herbs. The hops intensity are more in the aroma that in the taste and this is a great sign of how well the beer is balanced and the alcohol is hidden, one would expect this beer based on it’s aroma to kill your tongue but this is not the case, the bitterness is very well balanced and more to the end which is a little dry.

Right up there with the top IPA beers I have tasted and easily in my Top 5 Nøgne Ø beers.



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