Saturday, November 23, 2013

India Pale Larger

Nøgne Ø India Pale Larger is one of the very latest beers to come out of the brewery and just recently sold out so it was so so nice of Cathie to give me a bottle to try. Better still, I tried it at the brewery in the good company of some of the staff there, I know Cathie really likes this beer as she insisted that I don't leave any after me. Appearance had a nice golden colour to the beer, mahogany to brownish orange with a very white head. Still having Python Pilsner on my mind (easy to confuse the two beers) I was not expecting another such powerful and tasty beer. 

Aroma was obviously very fresh, lots of floral fruity hops, bready as most pilsners are from the pils malt. Slightly piney to grassy, for sure apricots and caramel there with a very sturdy malt backbone to this larger. The hops were well blended with the malt as the bitterness was just right here, some pine and citrus in the beginning with the caramel malt sweetness to follow it up. Medium body, light carbonation and a very easy beer to drink and enjoy its deep flavours. 

Really loved this beer, a lot easier to handle that the Python Pilsner as I believe this beer has less abv. If it was available I would most definitely buy a box, but unluckily for me this is one of the new small release beers from Nøgne Ø that I might not be drinking it. Had 2 glass more of this great beer at the Nøgne Ø Julöl party the following night, lucky me. 


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